Hello, again!

It feels SO good to be live! And just a few days past my 6th anniversary of going full time solo with Salted Ink back in 2013. If I am being honest, it’s taken me a lot longer then I would have liked to get this launched. But we’ve had 3 babies since I last redesigned my site in 2014 (gasp)… yep, 3 boys in 4 years. Finding balance in my role as a mom and business owner has been a learning curve and so often my own brand has taken a backseat to my client work and doing ALL the things moms do. But I am oh so grateful for this business and my clients that have allowed me to be at home with my all dude crew while still continuing to do what I love. This is truly my dream job.

So this is the new Salted Ink. My hope is that it looks familiar but refreshed. The portfolio is updated with some fun new projects and there are new semi-custom premade brands in The Brand Bar ready for purchase. I have also reopened booking for fall/winter projects and will start scheduling consultation calls this week. Thank you for all the love leading up to this announcement – I have felt every bit of it.